You can find us at our headquarters in Craiova, Street Brazda lui Novac, nr. 5
Our address is:
You can find us at our headquarters in Craiova, Street Brazda lui Novac, nr. 5
For dental services you can also find us at our practice in Craiova, Str. Amaradiei, bl. D1, sc. II, ap.2
Opening hours and contact information
Opening hours:
Luni - Vineri 9-13 15-19
Appointments Phone:
Phone dr. Manolea Horia:
Phone dr. Păsăreanu Gabriela:
Phone dr. Rîcă Ana-Maria:
Opening hours:
Luni - Vineri 9-13 15-19
Appointments Phone:
Phone dr. Ioana Tamara Rahela:
Phone dr. Găgeatu Anda
Opening hours:
Luni și Joi 15-18
Appointments Phone:
Phone dr. Manolea Maria Magdalena:
As in our practices we are working with prior appointments and due to the modifications that could occur following possible changes in our academic and hospital schedules, the present schedule program is purely informative. For any information, booking or emergency please contact us by using one of the methods above.
Contact Form